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음,....예전 리뷰 게시판....

2003.09.09 01:11

s모군 조회 수:691 추천:25


...나름대로 꽤 글이 쌓엿엇는데,개편시에 리뷰 방식이 변경(리뷰어 리뷰 -> 자유리뷰)되어서

그만 사용치 않는 게시판이 되어 버리고 말앗군요....

이 글 내용,현재 리뷰 게시판으로 복사하여 공개한다(y) 공개안한다(n)

c:>view database
bmsm.net/database search utility v0.001 by shim
searching database at bmsm.net my sql DB>100%
database search completed.
choose the menu
1.View all database
2.Search keywords from database
3.Backup corrent database
choose > 2
Type search keywords (not : $ and : &,or : # nor : *)
keywords > review
searching keywords from database...
Result / 2 Board and 101articles found at "review"
table re_result : 84 articles in database.
table re_bms : 7 articles in database.
table re_mp3 : 10 articles in database.
table re_other : no articles found.
choose the menu
1.view found database
2.search more database
3.copy found database
4.exit to main menu
5.exit this program
enter the copy command (copy [articles/board] [copy DB] [destination DB] )
command> copy articles re_result re_bms
copy utilite lunching....
searching articles in database...
searching destination board from corrent database...
BMSM.net/article copy utilitiy v0.001 by shim
Now copy all articles at "re_result" board to "re_bms" board.
Do you wish continue? y/n